Cry of the Earth

Prophecies of the First Nations

In the winter of 1993, spiritual leaders of 7 indigenous nations of North America came to the United Nations to deliver their traditional prophecies relating to the earth.

Algonquin, Hopi, Huichol, Iroquois, Lakota, Maya, Mi-kmaq

They traveled from the four directions to bring their urgent messages to an audience of United Nations dignitaries and honored guests.

Crescentera developed and produced the conference and 3 days of auxiliary events, including a Tree of Peace Planting in Central Park and an evening dedicated to a more complete presentation of the Hopi prophecies. The 6-hour documentary Cry of the Earth: Prophecies of the First Nations captures the U.N. conference in its entirety, and was broadcast twice on P.B.S./Channel Thirteen/WNET. Additionally, Charlie Rose invited 4 elders to his show, where they spoke about the relevance of the prophecies and the conference.

About the Conference

Since 1948 the Hopi Elders sought to speak their prophecies about the earth at the United Nations. After many years of knocking at the door of “the house of mica” their aspirations were finally fulfilled.

This historic gathering took place on November 22, 1993 at the United Nations, New York. It was a ceremonial gathering in the traditional sense, a gathering without borders, where representatives of the four directions of Turtle Island, North America, met in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation, sharing their beliefs and concerns for our common future. The conference was addressed by Pulitzer Prize- winning author N. Scott Momaday and Bureau of Indian Affairs Director Ada Deer. Messages from Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Vice President Al Gore were also received.

About the Documentary

In this important documentary, the seven delegations share their traditional prophecies and earth-based values with the world. This knowledge, which has been inherited through oral history, deepens our understanding of indigenous cultures, and speaks to critical environmental issues that affect all life. These leaders speak from the heart, live from the heart, and heal with the heart. They stress the urgent need for mankind to return to a basic reverence for the planet if mankind is to avert global ecological catastrophe. These prophetic messages are not simply about predicting the futre. They are the visions that inform and propel the highest moral and spiritual leadership.

Watch the Full Documentary
Download the Full Transcript

Presentation of the Hopi Prophecies
Central Park Tree of Peace Planting